Villa Medicis Hors les Murs

Charlie Windelschmidt is the laureate of the Villa Medicis Hors les Murs – a French Institute program.

" My artist-in-residence came from my wish to get deeper in the question Which mask for today?
My intuition for a contemporary mask wants to re-enchant the actor-factor-author relation.

Well aware of the Eastern-Western dichotomy, aware as well of the works of Masters who already have the question of the mask in theatre, I wish to follow those studies around cultures very specialized on the question, such as Indonesia in 2015. In that pursuit I wish to encounter the styles, the aesthetics, the origins and the techniques that framed the mindset in which these arts, traditions, rites are still alive today.
Between cosmic superstitions and modernity, Indonesia still strikes as a reference on the subject, and meeting some of the biggest creators still alive (actors, sculptors, dancers, musicians,...) in situ will be a decisive turning point in my next creations..."