
Rituel théâtralo-apéritif

In France, the day is rythmed by two big ritual meals (lunch and diner), but we often forget to reconsider the importance of two smaller ones : breakfast and the apéritif.
The apéritif is a ritual consequent to social life, especially in France. It’s a time of its own which conjugates social play and culinary experiences.
So here’s a relaxed moment, and beyond its appetizing function its a reenactment of the idea of sharing. It goes without saying that its ethymology (to open, in latin) draws us to the act of opening, a ritual of opening.

Apérotomanie is a malfunction provoquing the delirious conviction, not of « loving the apéro » but of « being loved by IT ». A confusion sometimes exacerbated by social networks and wearing the FFP3 mask. This portmanteau word was invented in 2020, from a funny contraction between the words « apéro », « érotique » : it suggests that the apéro would be the ritual of a possible opening to eroticism.

A delicate moment during which drinking, eating and talking take a particular color at dusk.

Created in September 2021
Director Charlie Windelschmidt
With Anne-Sophie Erhel and Véronique Héliès
45 minutes - 40 guests - PG 16
Wines : Domaine de l’Arpette

Not exactly a real meal, but a real invite to read between the lines !
Anaïs Nin, Roland Dubillard, Lydie Salvayre, Pascal Quignard, Camille Emmanuelle, Choderlos de Laclos, Charles Pennequin, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Alina Reyes and Jean Baudrillard.

L’Archipel, pôle d’action culturelle de Fouesnant-les-Glénan (29)
Le Manège, scène nationale de Maubeuge (59)
Le Théâtre Ligeria, Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire (44)
L’ABC, scène pluridisciplinaire de Dijon (21)
Le Théâtre du Pays de Morlaix, scène du territoire pour le théâtre de Morlaix (29)
L’Armorica, espace culturel à Plouguerneau (29)

Louise Vignault : 06 20 26 28 34 / louisev@derezo.com

Always invested of acting on the edge of cultural habits, the Dérézo team – under the direction of Charlie Windelschmidt - gives a theatrical dimension where it’s not expected. Moments of meaningful parties, the three shows summon the spectators to re-live a very familiar little ritual : breakfast, a little walk, or the apéro.


  • From 6 to 7 May Apérotomanie

    Théâtre Le Rayon Vert, scène conventionnée - Saint Valery en Cault (76)

  • From 16 to 17 May Apérotomanie

    Maison du Théâtre et de la Danse - Épinay-sur-Seine (93)

  • Wednesday 21 May Apérotomanie

    Communauté d’Agglomération Mont-Saint-Michel, Avranches (50)

  • Saturday 28 June Apérotomanie

    Ville de fondettes (37)

  • Saturday 5 July Apérotomanie

    Espace Keraudy - Fort de Bertheaume - Plougonvelin (29)